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Submit an Article to PlanetSoarer

September 2003

by Peter Scott


Do you have an article that will benefit Soarer owners in any way?
Got something to say? Want to host it on PlanetSoarer?

It can be a technical type article or photos and descriptions of a Soarer or Lexus SC meeting from anywhere in the world.

This page is the typical format - it changes from time to time.

If you know how to make html pages then save this page, edit it, and send it back to me with the images etc.

A blank html file and the background image etc is saved here:

If you don't know then send me a word document or just the photos with a description for each one.

Authors name goes up the top - it will be linked to your profile on the ALSC or some other forum (any one - or your homepage) - so that readers know who you are and what you do and can contact you for feedback etc.

I'll give the page a new counter at the bottom so you can see how many people visit the page. The page may also be listed in the stats page if it gets enough visits in a month. Click on the months to get the stats for that month.

Autospeed have some great articles on writing stuff for the net:

Taking photos:

This article is about taking photos of your car - plenty of good stuff here.

Writing Articles:

This article is about writing an article, styles, content etc. Autospeed is a professional site - not like planetsoarer where it's just amateur time! So don't sweat it too much. Just get it together, do your best and you're done. Let me know what it is you want to do if you get an idea.

You don't have to be funny. You don't have to be clever. You don't have to be anything, you don't have to be like anyone else. Just do what you think and be yourself.

The only key is it has to be interesting to you - don't try and guess if it's interesting to other people - I never do - I just put up what I want, what I like, what interests me.

If I think it's suitable for planetsoarer I will edit it and publish it.

So if you reckon you have something that fits the flavour of planetsoarer than email me.

Photo size should be 60 - 100 kb.

03071003.jpg (316659 bytes)
This photo is TOO big - it is 300 kb in size and really takes to long to download.




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